Contact Information

Andrew Berget
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Western Washington University
Office: Bond Hall 214

Links to Papers

19. The augmented external activity complex of a matroid (with Dania Morales), Journal of Combinatorics, 2024. (arXiv).
18. Tautological classes of matroids (with Chris Eur, Hunter Spink and Dennis Tseng), Invent. Math., 2023. (arXiv)
17. Log-concavity of matroid h-vectors and mixed Eulerian numbers (with Hunter Spink and Dennis Tseng), Duke Math. J. 2023. (arXiv)
16. Equivariant K-theory classes of matrix orbit closures (with Alex Fink), in Int. Math. Res. Not., 2021. (arXiv)
15. Internal Zonotopal Algebras and the Monomial Reflection Groups. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2018. (arxiv)
14. Matrix orbit closures (with Alex Fink). Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 2018. (arxiv)
13. Equivariant Chow classes of matrix orbit closures (with Alex Fink). In Transformation Groups, 2016. (arxiv)
12. Ideals generated by superstandard tableaux (with W. Bruns and A. Conca). Comm. Alg. and Noncomm. Alg. Geo., MSRI Pub. (67), 2015. (arXiv)
11. Extending the parking representation (with Brendon Rhoades). J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 123 (1), (2014), 43-56. (arXiv)
10. Vanishing of doubly symmetrized tensors (with J.A. Dias da Silva and Amélia Fonseca). Elect. J. Combinatorics, Vol 20 (2), P60, 9pp, 2013.
9. Critical groups of graphs with reflective symmetry. J. Algebraic Combinatorics, 2013. (arXiv)
8. Cyclic sieving of finite Grassmannians and flag varieties (with Jia Huang), Discrete Mathematics, Vol 312 (5), 2012. (arxiv)
7. Two results on the rank partition of a matroid. Portugal. Math. (N.S.), Vol. 68, Fasc. 4, 2011. (email and I will send a copy)
6. Equality of symmetrized tensors and the coordinate ring of the flag variety. Linear algebra and its applications, 438(2):658-662, 2013.
5. Constructions for cyclic sieving phenomena (with Sen Peng Eu and Vic Reiner. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 25, pp. 1297-1314. (arxiv)
4. Tableaux in the Whitney module of a matroid Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 63 (2010), Article B63f.
3. The critical group of a line graph (with A. Manion, M. Maxwell, A. Potechin and V. Reiner. Annals of Combinatorics (2012). arXiv.
2. Products of linear forms and Tutte polynomials European Journal of Combinatorics Volume 31, Issue 7, (2010), pp. 1924-1935.
1. A short proof of Gamas's Theorem. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 430 (2009) pp. 791-793.


Pictures from some climbing trips.